Identity for the five in house beer brands for the Clocktower, a four location Brew Pub chain in Ottawa, Ontario The Clocktower is where you…
adminOctober 8, 2020
Various promotionsl, branding, interior signage, consulting for Europa Cafe, a 26 shop/restaurant chain in Manhattan, New York
adminFebruary 26, 2020
Curriculum Program for Market U, an organization that delivers useful workshops to small businesses and professionals around the world.
adminFebruary 7, 2020
MintChip Digital Currency project for the Royal Canadian Mint. Collateral, videos, promotional items, signage, presentations, product launch collateral.
adminFebruary 7, 2020
Corporate ID, Colateral, Web, online marketing, ad campaign for Know Now, A workshops delivery company
adminAugust 29, 2019